Get A

more secure & more insightful online examination
Medical schools
10 +


Medical Students
4000 +

1. Question Submission 

Examination hosts or teachers can upload and submit questions onto our exam bank for further question selection.

2. Allow Question with High Resolution Picture

Users can upload question and/or answer that contains high resolution medical images or videos that no larger than 1 MB.

3. Questions Submission and Selection

Teacher can add or upload questions before an examination for committees to decide which question from which teacher is to be selected.

4. Online Examination

Medical students will be able to take an examination through their tablets or their smartphones which only connect to our local portable server and disconnect from the internet in order to prevent the students from cheating.

5. Automatic Result Generation

Instantly after an examination, Get A can automatically generate examination results and visually display the results in graph and table for further analysis.

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Question Bank

Securely store MCQ SEQ MEQ examination.


Create question and answer with Text/Table/Pic/VDO. Uploaded MS Word.

Answer the question

Draw in the page like it is a paper.


Keep tracking progress by Bookmark Skip Status on any questions.


With statistics and graph in Real-time.

and many more...

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